Authors: Huhtinen, Seppo
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 24 (1984), Issue 1, pages 1-11.
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Abstract: 22 species of discomycetous fungi are reported from the timberline regions of Labrador, Quebec, Manitoba and Northwest Territories (Mackenzie District), Canada. Dasyscyphys leucostomus Rehm, Poculum firmum (Pers.: Fr) Dumont and Fimaria coprina Eckblad are new to North Amenca. Other interestmg records are Geopyxis cf. vulcanalis (Peck) Sacc. and Gloeotinia granigena (Quél.) T. Schumacher. The taxonomic status of Geopyxis majalis Fr. is discussed. The material includes possibly undescribed taxa of Dasyscyphella and Hyalopeziza.