Category Archives: Volume 25 1985

Hypocreopsis lichenoides (Ascomycetes) in North Europe

Authors: Niemelä, Tuomo & Nordin, Ingvar
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 75-80.
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Abstract:  Hypocreopsis lichenoides (Tode: Fr.) Seaver is reported as new to Finland, and the records from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and the adjacent U.S.S.R. are surveyed. The species seems to be expanding rapidly in southern Fennoscandia, especially Sweden: the reasons for this development are discussed. New records are published from northern Quebec and Labrador, Canada. The species is briefly redescribed and compared with the allied H. rhododendri Thaxter, plus six other species of the genus. The ecological properties are discussed and a host list presented. H. lichenoides grows predominantly on species of Salix, followed by Corylus avellana, Prunus padus and Frangula alnus. In all, 21 angiosperm hosts and 3 gymnosperms are listed.

Dentipellis fragilis and Steccherinum oreophilum: Finnish records of hydnaceous fungi

Authors: Niemelä, Tuomo & Saarenoksa, Reima
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 70-74.
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Abstract:  Dentipellis fragilis (Pers.: Fr.) Dank is reported from four localities in southern Finland. Two earlier Finnish records also exist and a record from the adjacent U.S.S.R. The species is briefly described, and its ecology and general distribution are reviewed. Steccherinum oreophilum Linds. & Gilb. is reported as new to Finland, and its known occurrence in Europe and North America is summarized. Distribution maps are presented and both species are illustrated. The delimitation of the genera lrpex, Steccherinum, Schizopora and Junghuhnia is considered to deserve a thorough revision.

Physisporinum rivulosus, an interesting polypore species

Authors: Kotiranta, Heikki
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 66-69.
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Abstract:  The polypore Physisporinus rivulosus (Berk. & Curt.) Ryv. is reported as new to Finland. It is better known as Poria albipellucida Baxter and widely distributed in North America. The Finnish specimen is from Pinus sylvestris L. Though P. rivulosus is the only known species of Physisporinus Karst. with clamp connections, it otherwise fits well with that genus. The macroscopical and microscopical characteristics of P. rivulosus are described and illustrated, and the taxonomy is briefly discussed.

Lactarius hysginoides, a new boreal agaric

Authors: Korhonen, Mauri & Ulvinen, Tauno
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 62-65.
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Abstract:  A new milk-cap species, Lactarius hysginoides M. Korhonen & Ulvinen, is described and illustrated. It resembles L. hysginus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr., L. vietus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr., and L. moseri Harmaja, but the taste is mild and the latex remains unchanged, not turning grey. There are also some microscopical differences. The new species IS reported from Finland and Sweden. It seems to be widespread in the northern and mtddle boreal forests, usually growing in mesotrophic, moist, paludified woodland. Probable mycorrhizal partners are Picea abies and Betula.

The occurrence and importance of Lophodermella sulcigena and Hendersonia acicola on Scots pine in Finland

Authors: Jalkanen, Risto
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 53-61.
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Abstract:  Specimens of Lophodermella sulcigena (Rostr.) v. Hahn. have been collected in Finland since 1893, and known epidemics have occurred in the years 1921-1924, 1946-1953, and from 1976 to today. The disease is now much more harmful than earlier. The northern line of the main distribution of Lophodermella needle cast has moved from the latitudes 61°-62° in the 1950’s to the Artie Circle in the 1980’s. The most severe damage during the last epidemic was in 10-20-year-old even-aged Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations, occurring on the best forest sites but especially in abandoned fields. There were only a few scattered infected trees in plantations on poor pine heaths. The average height of the infected stands was 2-5 m. The epidemic started first in southern Finland and spread to northern Finland in a few years. A reason for the susceptibility to L. sulcigena is the planting of pine in the best soils and fields. Hendersonia acicola Tub. occurred in Lophodermella needles a few years after the first infection, and seemed to finish the epidemic of Lophodermella needle cast. Two symptom types of Lophodermella needle cast are described according to the absence or presence of H. acicola in the needles infected primarily by L. sulcigena.

Venturia ribis: a new species of ascomycete

Authors: Sivanesan, A
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 50-52.
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Abstract:  Venturia ribis Sivanesan, sp.nov. on Ribes alpinum L. from Finland is described and illustrated. No species of Venturia has been reported on Ribes so far. It is closely allied to the Venturia species in which the ascospores a re septate just above the middle. V. aesculi (H. Sydow) Sivan., V. corni E. Müller, V. frangulae Krieger and V. pruni Barr have similarly septate ascospores whose size also lie within close range of that of V. ribis. The differences between these species and that of V. ribis are given.

Lactarius mammosus an L. moseri n. sp.

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 47-49.
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Abstract: The new agaric species Lactarius moseri Harmaja is described on the basis of Finnish material, and is also reported from Sweden. L. moseri is a close relative of L. vietus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. In recent years, it has been claimed that L. mammosus Fr. is the correct name for the fungus which is here described as L. moseri. The author, however, suggests that L. mammosus is the correct name for L. fuscus Roll., this conclusion agreeing with the interpretation of many other mycologists. The nomenclature of L. mammosus is clarified; the walls of the cystidia and pseudocystidia of L. mammosus are reported to be amyloid, which is a unique character m the genus.

Studies on white-spored agarics

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 2, pages 41-46.
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Abstract:  The following new species are described (all the types are from Finland): Cystoderma saarenoksae Harmaja, Cystoderma niveum Harmaja, Hygrophorus korhonenii Harmaja, Mycena lammiensis Harmaja, and Mycena occulta Harmaja. Melanoleuca brachyspora Harmaja (nomen novum) must replace M. brevispora Harmaja (non Singer). The following new combination is made: Hygrophorus subviscifer (Karst.) Harmaja. Hygrophorus albidus Karst. (lectotype selected here) and H. spodoleucus Moser are reduced to synonymy with H. subviscifer. Mycena pelianthina (Fr.) Quél. is reported as new to Finland.

On Fennoscandian polypores 9. Gelatoporia n. gen. and Tyromyces canadensis, plus notes on Skeletocutis and Antrodia

Authors: Niemelä, Tuomo
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 1, pages 21-40.
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Abstract:  A new genus, Gelatoporia Niemelä, is described, to embrace resupinate polypores with a monomitic structure, clamped hyphae and white-rot. G. pannocincta (Rom.) Niemelä, n. comb., is redescribed. G. subvermispora (Pilát) Niemelä, n. comb. (type of the genus), is reported as new to Fennoscandia. Tyromyces canadensis Overh. ex Lowe (Antrodiella overholtsii Ryv. & Gilb.) is reported for the first time outside North America; its characteristics, taxonomy and nomenclature are discussed. Skeletocutis carneogrisea David is reported as new to Finland and provided with some ecological notes. Skeletocutis odora (Sacc.) Ginns is shown to be an older name for S. tschulymica (Pilát) Keller, Antrodia pulvinasccns (Pilát) Niemelä, n. comb., for A. plicata Niemelä, and A. macra (Sommerf.) Niemelä, n. comb., for Trametes salicina Bres. (Antrodia salicina). Most species are illustrated by photographs and microscopic drawings. A new method of mdicating microchemica reactions is proposed and the reliability of Cresyl Blue in the polypore taxonomy is reviewed.

Finnish records of discomycetes: Unguicularia equiseti sp. nov. and Albotricha laetior

Authors: Huhtinen, Seppo
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 25 (1985), Issue 1, pages 17-20.
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Abstract:  A new species, Unguicularia equiseti Huhtinen, characterized by its branched hairs, is described from SW Finland. T he species grov.s on blackened stems of Equisetum sylvaticum L. A new collection of a rare discomycete, Albotricha laetior (Karst.) Raitv., is described and discussed, and the species is considered lignicolous. A warning is given that certain mountants currently in common use frequently have a shrinkmg effect. In many cases sections revived in these mountants fall to regain their natural dimensions. The taxonomic importance of this phenomenon is briefly discussed.