Category Archives: Volume 40 2000

Helicogloea globispora sp. nov. from Taiwan

Authors: Wu, Sheng-Hua & Chen, Zuei-Ching
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 195-196.
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Key words: Helicogloea globispora, new species, Saccoblastia, Taiwan

Abstract:  Helicogloea globispora Sheng H. Wu & Z.C. Chen is described as a new species from North Taiwan. This new species with a hypochnoid-floccose basidiome and nodoseseptate hyphae, belongs to the subgenus Saccoblastia Lowy. Helicogloea globispora is allied to H. sphaerospora (A. Moller) Lowy, which has smaller basidiospores.

A checklist of Tanzanian myxomycetes

Authors: Ukkola, Tarja
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 189-194.
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Key words: Africa, checklist, myxomycetes, Tanzania

Abstract:  A brief review of the Tanzanian myxomycete research is made. An annotated checklist is given of all the names by which Tanzanian myxomycetes are listed in the literature. The check-list includes all myxomycete taxa known to be reported from Tanzania, East-Africa. The known biota of myxomycetes in Tanzania now includes 124 species and four varieties.

Some polypores misclassified in Piptoporus

Authors: Thorn, R. Greg
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 181-187.
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Key words: biogeography, Polyporus, taxonomy, wood decay fungi

Abstract:  The taxonomy of six species described in or transferred into the genus Piptoporus was reassessed. Piptoporus choseniae is a Polyporus, and more closely resembles Polyporus pseudobetulinus in morphology and ecology than P. varius, to which it has previously been compared and synonymized. Piptoporus fraxineus is Polyporus admirabilis, a holarctic species recently reported from Europe. Piptoporus paradoxus is a later synonym of Piptoporus quercinus, and both were among the three original species of Piptoporus P. Karst. Piptoporus ulmi is allied to Polyporus craterellus and P. tuberaster, and is renamed Polyporus vassilievae Thorn, nom. nov. since the epithet ulmi is preoccupied in Polyporus. Piptoporus hirtus is Jahnoporus hirtus, and Piptoporus elatinus (Berk.) Teng, sensu Teng non Berkeley, is Rigidoporus lineatus. Significant range extensions and other ecological aspects of these species are discussed.

The genus Ptychogaster

Authors: Stalpers, Joost A.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 167-180.
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Key words: Caeruleomyces, Ceriomyces, polypores, Ptychogaster, Sporotrichopsis, taxonomy

Abstract:  All species classified in the genera Ptychogaster Corda and Ceriomyces Corda have been studied. Ptychogaster is now restricted to anamorphs of Postia (Bull. : Fr.) Singer. Sporotrichopsis Stalpers is described for the anamorph of Abortiporus biennis Fr. and Caeruleomyces Stalpers to accomodate Sporotrichum azureum Arx. An annotated check-list of all species ever classified in Ptychogaster and Ceriomyces is given.

Ultrastructure of Barbeyella minutissima (Myxomycetes)

Authors: Schnittler, Martin & Novozhilov, Yuri & Stephenson, Steven L.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 159-166.
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Key words: myxomycetes, Barbeyella minutissima, morphology, scanning electron microscopy, sporocarp development

Abstract:  The minute myxomycete Barbeyella minutissima Meyl. was studied with scanning electron microscopy. Comparison of the morphological features of Barbeyella minutissima with those of Echinostelium arboreum H.W. Keller & T.E. Brooks provides evidence for a systematic position close to the genus Echinostelium. Observation of developing sporocarps under dissecting as well as compound microscopes indicated an epihypothallic pattern of development, which suggests a systematic position for B. minutissima that is intermediate between the Echinosteliales and the Stemonitales.

Studies in neotropical polypores 7. Wrightoporia (Hericiaceae, Basidiomycetes) in tropical America

Authors: Ryvarden, Leif
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 153-158.
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Key words: polypores, Tropical America, Wrightoporia

Abstract:  Wrightoporia neotropica Ryvarden is described as new and a key and descriptions are provided for all known species of Wrightoporia in tropical America.

Two new species of Caliciopsis (Coryneliaceae) from Hunan Province, China

Authors: Rikkinen, Jouko
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 147-151.
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Key words: Ascomycota, Caliciopsis, Choerospondias, China, Hunan, Rhus, Toona

Abstract:  Two new species of Caliciopsis (Ascomycota, Coryneliales) are described from temperate broad-leaved forests in Hunan Province, China. Caliciopsis toonae Rikkinen was found in bark crevices on trunks of Toona sinensis and Choerospondias axillaris. Caliciopsis rhoina (Juss.) Roem. Rikkinen was found on branches and twigs of Rhus chinensis, being associated with cankers in the bark, and on trunks of Toona sinensis.

The genus Ceriporia Donk (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) in the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina

Authors: Rajchenberg, Mario
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 143-146.
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Key words: Ceriporia, Nothofagus, polypores, taxonomy

Abstract:  The species of the polypore genus Ceriporia found in the Nothofagus dominated forests of southern Argentina are recorded. Ceriporia retamoana Rajchenb. is described as new; it is characterised by light duckling yellow basidiomes, and cylindric and narrow basidiospores. Other species are C. purpurea, C. reticulata and C. viridans. Specimens of C. reticulata are cream when fresh, but display a variety of hymenial colours upon drying that vary from light pink to dark orange, and tum pink to vinaceous with 5% KOH solution.

A new species of Ramaria subg. Ramaria from western North America

Authors: Petersen, Ronald H. & Scates, Catherine
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 139-142.
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Key words: new species, Ramaria, taxonomy

Abstract:  Ramaria subviolacea R.H. Petersen & C. Scates is proposed as a new species of Ramaria subg. Ramaria. The species fruits in moist forests under Abies grandis in northern Idaho and western Washington in the United States. Ramaria strasseri basidiomata are similar, and a lectoype specimen for that species designated.