Category Archives: Volume 50(1) 2010

Annellosporium nemorosum gen. et sp. nov., an annellidic anamorph with phylogenetic affinities to the genus Daldinia (Xylariales)

Authors: Davey, Marie L.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 50 (2010), Issue 1, pages 1-10.
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Key words: Daldinia, conidiogenesis, pleomorphism, Nodulisporium, Xylariaceae

Abstract: During a survey of fungi occurring in soil from swift fox dens in a zoo enclosure in Alberta, Canada, a free-living xylariaceous mitosporic fungus was repeatedly isolated and is herein described as Annellosporium nemorosum gen. et sp. nov. The fungus is characterized by mononematous, dichotomously branched conidiophores with termini bearing groups of 1–3 cylindric, smooth to minutely roughened, enteroblastic, percurrently proliferating, annellated conidiogenous cells that produce sub-globose to obovate conidia with attenuated, flattened basal ends. Phylogenetic analysis of the ?-tubulin region indicates A. nemorosum has strong phylogenetic affinities to the teleomorphic genus Daldinia (Xylariaceae, Xylariales), and is included in a clade with those Daldinia species known to produce Nodulisporium-like anamorphs with enteroblastic conidiogenesis, rather than the holoblastic conidiogenesis typical of true Nodulisporium species. A teleomorphic state was not observed, but is expected to be Daldinia loculata-like, given the close affiliation between this species and A. nemorosum that was revealed by phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA.

New species and records of Bryocentria – a hypocrealean genus of bryophilous ascomycetes

Authors: Döbbeler, Peter
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 50 (2010), Issue 1, pages 11-23.
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Key words: hepaticolous, hyperepiphyllous, necrotrophic parasitism, Hypocreales, taxonomy

Abstract: The bryophilous genus Bryocentria (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes), with three known species, is augmented by four new taxa. These are B. aequinoctialis, B. manubriataand B. merospora on epiphyllous Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) from Costa Rica, and B. septinensis on Sanionia uncinata (Musci) from Finland. Some new records of B. brongniartii and B. metzgeriae are also presented. Characters important at the generic level are the possession of small, lightly coloured, almost glabrous perithecia, a cellular cyanophilous excipulum often loosely covered by adjacent hyphae, numerous, eight-spored asci with delicate walls, tiny, two-celled ascospores of differing shapes with a cyanophilous septum or band-like structure in most species, and an obligate occurrence on bryophytes. All species, apart from the biotrophic B. brongniartii, are necrotrophic parasites that cause discoloured islet-like infections. Several species perforate the leaves of hepatics with their developing perithecia. Host species belong to different systematic and ecological groups of bryophytes, predominantly hepatics. Bryocentria merospora features a novel type of ascospore. After disarticulating, the globose partial spores concentrate in the ascus apex. The three hyperepiphyllous Bryocentria species demonstrate the wealth of nectrioid fungi in the phyllosphere of tropical rain forests.

Records on Otidea mirabilis and O. tuomikoskii from Finland

Authors: Carbone, Matteo & Campo, Emanuele & Vauras, Jukka
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 50 (2010), Issue 1, pages 25-34.
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Key words: Ascomycetes, Finland, Otidea, Pezizales, taxonomy

Abstract: Otidea mirabilis and O. tuomikoskii are described from Finnish material deposited in the main herbaria of Finland. Colour photographs, microdrawings and the known Finnish distribution of both species are given. O. mirabilis, originally described from Italy, is a new record for the mycoflora of North Europe.