Paradiscina Benedix – synonym of Gyromitra Fr.

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 15 (1976), pages 33-35.
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Abstract:  The status of the genus Paradiscina Benedix (Pezizales) was studied by examining the holotype of the type species of that genus, Discina melaleuca Bres. The type specimen of that species has spores with four nuclei and a persistent strongly cyanophilic perisporium as well as excipulum of the Gyromitra type. It is concluded that Discina melaleuca (1) is a typical member of the family Helvellaceae Dum., (2) belongs to the genus Gyromitra Fr. sensu HARMAJA 1973 and (3) is a valid species. Consequently, Paradiscina becomes a synonym of the older generic name Gyromitra. The results of the study necessitate the transfer of D. melaleuca to Gyromitra, and the following new combination is made: Gyromitra melaleuca (Bres.) Harmaja. A note on the exc ipular anatomy of Gyro mitra is also given. The family Rhizinaceae Bon. is included in Helvellaceae.