Some new or interesting sequestrate Basidiomycota from African woodlands

Authors: Verbeken, Annemieke & Walleyn, Ruben & Thoen, Daniel & Castellano, Michael A.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 40 (2000), Issue 1-2, pages 11-21.
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Key words: ectomycorrhizal hypogenous fungi, miombo woodland, taxonomy, tropical Africa

Abstract:  Fife new or interesting sequestrate Basidiomycotina from the Zambezian miombo woodlands of central Africa are described or reported: Aroramyces Castellano & Verbeken gen. nov., Aroramyces radiatus (Lloyd) Castellano, Verbeken & Walleyn comb. nov., Corditubera bovonei, Mackintoshia persica, Mycoamaranthus congolensis (Dissing & Lange) Castellano & Walleyn comb. nov., and Octaviania ivoryana Castellano, Verbeken & Thoen sp. nov. In addition, Aroramyces gelatinosporus (Cribb) Castellano comb. nov., from tropical North Queensland, Australia, is presented.