Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 27 (1987), Issue 2, pages 71-75.
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Abstract: Descriptions are given of the new genus Singerocybe Harmaja (Singerella Harmaja 1974, non Singeriella Petrak 1959) and of the type species, S. viscida Harmaja. The type of S. viscida is from Finland. Two new combinations are made: Singerocybe hydrogramma (Bull. & Vent.: Fr.) Harmaja and Singerocybe phaeophthalma (Pers.) Harmaja. Two new Finnish localities of S. hydrogramma are reported, one of them being the most northern known for the species. The new species Squamanita basii Harmaja (type from Switzerland) and S. umbilicata Harmaja (type from Finland) are described. S. basii has been misidentified as the North American S. paradoxa (A. H. Smith & Sing.) Bas in Europe; it is known from 11 localities in Europe.