Tanzanian Myxomycetes: second survey

Authors: Ukkola, Tarja & Härkönen, Marja & Saarimäki, Tiina
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 36 (1996), Issue 2, pages 51-77.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29203/ka.1996.319
Full text: PDF
Key words: Africa, Myxomycetes, Tanzania

Abstract:  This work compiles the results obtained by moist chamber cultures of bark material collected in 1988-1989 and field collections made in 1990 and 1991. The collections represent 59 species, 30 of which are new to Tanzania, including Licea tanzanica Ukkola, Hark. & Gilert which is new to science. The following five are new to Africa: Ceratiomyxa sphaerosperma Boedijn, Cribraria minutissima Schw., Leptoderma iridescens G. Lister, Licea bulbosa Nann.-Brem. & Y.Yamam. and Physarum perfectum M.E. Peck. Altogether 91 species of Myxomycetes are now reported from Tanzania, the majority of them collected in montane forest belt. Decayed wood, litter, bark of living trees and living herbaceous plants served as substrata. The members of the orders Stemonitales and Physarales were most undemanding in their selection of substrata, and Physarales was the only order that prefered litter to other substratum.