Authors: Mäkelä, Kaiho
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 11 (1970), pages 5-22.
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Abstract: “This paper is part of a larger study the fungi of the leaf-spot dieseases which affcet the grasses on leys in Finland. The material examined consisted of grasses growing on cultivated grassland or the borders of fields. The material (c. 3650 samples) was collected at Viik and the Muddusniemi Experiment Farm of Helsinki University, at Experiment Stations of the Agricultural Research Centre and in other localities in southern Finland. Collections of the Plant Pathology Department of Helsinki University have also been examined.
The species Mastigosporium album Riess, M. rubricosum (Dearn & Barth.) Nannf., and M. deschampsiae Jerstad caused leaf-spot disease in certain grasses. The cleistothecium-like resting stage with inner spores was found in many localities in natural specimens of the species M. album and M. rubricosum.”