Category Archives: Volume 39 1999

Coprophilous myxomycetes: updated summary, key to species, and taxonomic observations on Trichia brunnea, Arcyria elaterensis, and Arcyria stipata

Authors: Eliasson, Uno H. & Keller, Harold W.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 39 (1999), Issue 1, pages 1-10.
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Key words: coprophilous myxomycetes, capillitial ornamentation, Arcyria elaterensis, Arcyria stipata, Trichia brunnea

Abstract:  An updated summary is provided for myxomycete species occurring on dung of herbivorous animals. At least 99 species representing 23 genera have been reported. Most species normally occur on other substrata and are only occasionally found on dung. A restricted number of species are truly coprophilous in that most or all records are from this substratum. These species are Arcyria elarerensis, Badhamia apiculospora, B. rhytidosperma, B. spinispora, Didymium annulisporum, D. nullifilum, D. rugulosporum, Kelleromyxa fimicola, Licea alexopouli, Licea pescadorensis, Macbrideola coprophila, Perichaena corricalis var. liceoides, P. luteola, Trichia brunnea, and T. fimicola. A key is provided for species which are truly coprophilous or often found on dung. All species ever reported on dung are listed. Hemirrichia stipata var. fusca Z. Moravec is conspecific with Trichia brunnea J.J.Cox. Taxonomic comments are given on Arcyria elaterensis and A. stipata, and the taxonomic importance of dextrorse versus sinistrorse spiral ornamentation on the capillitial threads is discussed.