Category Archives: Volume 48(2) 2009

Studies in Otidea (Pezizales)

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 48 (2009), Issue 2, pages 33-48.
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Key words: Ascomycetes, endoconidia, Finland, habitat, Melzer’s reagent, nomenclature, North America, Persoon, Pezizomycetes

Abstract: Three new species of Otidea (Pers.) Bonord. (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) are described on the basis of Finnish material: Otidea angusta Harmaja, Otidea caeruleopruinosa Harmaja, and Otidea flavidobrunneola Harmaja. They were found in rich woods with more or less calcareous soils in SW Finland. A synopsis with an annotated list of the twenty species of Otidea in Finland is presented, four of the latter as nomina provisoria. The habitat of each species is described more accurately than previously. Two keys are presented, one based on macroscopic and habitat characters, the other on microscopic characters. The characters of the North American O. unicisa (Peck) Harmaja are discussed, the species is retained in the genus in spite of its ornamented spores, and it is reported as new to North Carolina. Two previously unreported responses of the pigment in the outer part of the apothecial excipulum to Melzer’s reagent are reported. The original material of C. H. Persoon’s species referable to Otidea has been revised: no changes in current nomenclature are needed. O. cantharella (Fr.) Quél. is considered to be an older name for O. caligata (Nyl.) Sacc.

Finnish records on the genus Inocybe. The new species Inocybe saliceticola.

Authors: Vauras, Jukka & Kokkonen, Katri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 48 (2009), Issue 2, pages 57-67.
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Key words: Agaricales, Basidiomycetes, Finland, Inocybe, Salix, taxonomy

Abstract: Inocybe saliceticola, a new species of section Marginatae, is described from Finland. It is characterized by ochraceous pileus, bulbous stipe base and weakly nodulose spores. It grows with Salix in moist habitats. The holotypes of I. alnea, I. dunensis, I. obtusiuscula, I. ochracea and I. straminipes are treated. I. straminipes is reduced to a synonym of I. salicis. The synonymy of I. ochracea with I. alnea is supported by DNA analysis. The microscopical drawings of the type of I. obtusiuscula are given for the first time.

Field and moist chamber collections of Paraguay myxomycetes

Authors: McHugh, Roland
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 48 (2009), Issue 2, pages 49-56.
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Key words: Paraguay myxomycetes, myxomycete distribution, Arcyria corymbosa, Licea, Physarum minutum

Abstract: During June–July 2008 the author visited Paraguay with the objective of collecting myxomycetes, and substrates from which they might be cultured. This resulted in a count of 73 species, bringing the total for the country to 90 species. A new species, Physarum minutum, is described.