A monograph of Hyaloscypha and allied genera

Authors: Huhtinen, Seppo
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 29 (1989), Issue 2, pages 45-252.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29203/ka.1989.274
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Abstract:  The genera Hyaloscypha Boud., Phialina Höhnel and Hamatocanthoscypha Svr. are monographed on a world basis. Hyaloscypha, with 27 recognized taxa, is circumscribed to contain whitish and mostly lignicolous species with tapering and aseptate hairs. Dextrinoid reactions, hair vesture and ascal development are shown to be important diagnostic characters. Two subgenera are recognized within Hyaloscypha. Seven new species are described: H. britannica Huhtinen, H. diabolica Huhtinen, H. epiporia Huhtinen, H. latispora Huhtinen, H. nipponica Huhtinen, H. strobilicola Huhtinen, and H. usitata Huhtinen. A new variety is published in Hyaloscypha secalina Velen. A new name, H. occulta Huhtinen, is proposed for H. parvula Arendh. & R. Sharma. The following new combinations are made: Hyaloscypha albohyalina (P. Karst.) Boud. var. spiralis (Velen.) Huhtinen (Chrysothallus s.), H. albohyalina var. tigillaris (P. Karst) Huhtinen (Peziza t.), Hyaloscypha fuckelii Nannf. var. alniseda (Velen.) Huhtinen (Hyaloscypha a.), Hyaloscypha leuconica (Cooke in Stevenson) Nannf. var. bulbopilosa (Feltg.) Huhtinen (Dasyscypha hamata var. b.), Hyaloscypha querciola (Velen.) Huhtinen (Uncinia q.) and Hyaloscypha aureliella (Nyl.) Huhtinen (Peziza a.). The genus Phialina, with eight recognized species, is circumscribed to contain foliicolous and herbicolous taxa with yellow pigment inside the paraphyses and the tapering and often septate hairs. Presence of croziers and lack of dextrinoid reaction are also stressed at the generic level. One new species, P. setiigera Huhtinen is described. The following new combinations are made: Phialina lachnobrachyoides (Raitv.) Huhtinen (Phialoscypha l.), Phialina foliicola (Graddon) Huhtinen (Uncinia f). A new name, Phialina pusilla Huhtinen, is proposed for Hyaloscypha pusilla Arendh. & R. Sharma. The genus Hamatocanthoscypha, with 10 recognized taxa, is delimited to comprise mostly white to coloured, stipitate inhabitants of litter. The hairs are typically cylindrical-tapering and uncinate. Three new species are described: Hamatocanthoscypha helicotricha Huhtinen, H. obsoleta Huhtinen and H. ocellata Huhtinen. The following new combinations are made: Hamatocanthoscypha melanabasis (Arendh. & R. Sharma) Huhtinen (Debaryoscyphus m.), Hamatocanthoscypha laricionis (Velen.) Svr. var. dryopteridis (Bøhler) Huhtinen (Hyaloscypha d.), Hamatocanthoscypha uncipila (Le Gal) Huhtinen (Hyaloscypha u.), HamatocanJhoscypha uncinata (Phill.) Huhtinen (Peziza u.), Hamatocanthoscypha uncinata var. phaeotricha (K. Holm & L. Holm) Huhtinen (Unciniella laricionis (Velen.) K. Holm & L. Holm var. p.), and Hamatocanthoscypha laricionis var. minutissima (Velen.) Huhtinen (Uncinia m.). Of the 137 excluded taxa, Phialina montana Raitv. and Pezizella myriadea Mouton are combined with Calycellina Hohnel and Hyaloscypha sulfurina Dennis with Trichopeziza Mont & Dur. The pattern of variation in the taxa studied is illustrated in detail. Sporograms and frequency distribution curves are provided for most taxa. Ascal and spore dimensions and shape are shown to be dependent on the reagent used. The taxonomic status of 15 closely related genera is treated.
Cheiromycella microscopica (P. Karst.) Hughes is shown to be the anamorphous state of Hyaloscypha aureliella (H. stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) Nannf.). A phialidic anamorph characterizes the type variety of Hamatocanthoscypha laricionis (Velen.) Svr. and H. uncipila. An immature, dematiaceous anamorph developed in cultures of Phialina lachnobrachya (Desm.) Raitv.