Flavoscypha, a new genus of the Pezizales for Otidea cantharella and O. phlebophora

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 14 (1974), pages 105-108.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29203/ka.1974.95
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Abstract:  The two species Otidea cantharella (Fr.) Sacc. and O. phlebophora (Berk. & Br.) Sacc. are shown to possess in common some characters which differentiate them from the other pecies of Otidea, including the type of the genus, O. onotica (Fr. ) Fuck. The most important differences relate to the ectal excipulum, which in the two species is composed of only one layer, viz. textura prismatic a with rather small cells and clavate end cells (corresponding exactly to the Helvella type of excipulum), and which possesses no cyanophilic intercellular matter. These species also display a bright yellow colour, especially externally, in their fresh apothecia, the basal parts of which are ribbed, either having branching and anastomosing ribs and pits or are less conspicuously rugose-venose and pitted, features which are also lacking in the rest of Otidea. The two species may possibly also differ by the general features of their ecology and distribution from the bulk of Otidea. The differences observed ape considered so significant that the new genus Flavoscypha Harmaja is established for the two species, Peziza phlebophora Berk. & Br. being designated as the type. The specific differences of the two closely related Flavoscypha species are also described. Both species have recently each been collected once in SW Finland, and are here reported as new to this country. Two new oombinations are made: Flavoscypha cantharella (Fr.) Harmaja and Flavoscypha phlebophora (Berk. & Br.) Harmaja.