Myxomycetes in the Antarctic: A review

Authors: Velloso, Jorge Renato Pinheiro & Heberle, Marines de Avila & Costa, Alice Lemos & Lopes, Cassiane Furlan & da Silva, Fernando Augusto Bertazzo & Putzke, Jair & Cavalcanti, Laise de Holanda
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 61 (2023), Issue 2, pages 1–9.
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Key words: Amoebozoa, muscicolous, myxogastria, slime molds, South Pole

Abstract: This work summarize the results of Myxomycetes collections carried out by European and South American researchers on Antarctic ice free areas during the last fifty years. An annotated list and an identification key for the nine species with confirmed occurrence on the continent are presented.