Notes on the agarics described in North America: 1. Rhodocybe smithii nom. nov., a new name for Clitocybe piperata A. H. Smith. 2. Cystoderma adnatifolium (Peck) n. comb., a species new for Europe.

Authors: Harmaja, Harri
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 14 (1974), pages 121-122.
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Abstract:  Clitocybe piperata A. H. Smith (Agaricales) was observed to possess the diagnostic features of the genus Rhodocybe Maire, and be a valid species. The new name Rhodocybe smithii is proposed for it. The diagnostic specific oharacters of R. smithii are shortly discussed. Some spore features, previously not reported in Rhodocybe, are also mentioned. The new combination Cystoderma adnatifolium (Peck) Harmaja is made, the characters. of the species are discussed, and it is reported as new for Europe from Finland and the USSR.