On Fennoscandian polypores 10. Boletopsis leucomelaena and B. grisea described and illustrated

Authors: Niemelä, Tuomo & Saarenoksa, Reima
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 29 (1989), Issue 1, pages 12-28.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29203/ka.1989.271
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Abstract:  Two European species are accepted in the polypore genus Boletopsis: B. leucomelaena (Pers.) Fayod and B. grisea (Peck) Bond. & Sing. Both are described and a comparison is made of the best determinative characters. The nomenclature is discussed and some common misapplications reviewed. B. leucomelaena has dark-capped, fragile fruit bodies and grows predominantly in rich spruce forests. B. grisea is silvery grey to dirty grey-brown, fairly hard, but when fresh easily tom in a radial direction; it grows almost solely in poor dry pine heath forests. The distributions of both species in Norway, Sweden and Finland are summarized with abbreviated locality lists and distribution maps, and the total distributions are estimated on the basis of published photographs. B. leucomelaena, being the more southern of the two, is rare in Fennoscandia and may need some protection. The abundance of B. grisea varies greatly, depending on the weather in the growing season, but in suitable years it is locally common, especially in the north. Both species are illustrated with in situ colour photographs and microscopical drawings.