A new species of Maireina on Filipendula ulmaria

Authors: Læssøe, Thomas & Davey, Marje L. & Petersen, Jens H.
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 56 (2016), Issue 1-2, pages 39-46.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29203/ka.2016.474
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Key words: Niaceae, Agaricales, cyphelloids, taxonomy, phylogeny, Merismodes, Cyphelopsis

Abstract:  Based on material from Sweden and Denmark a new species of Maireina is described. It produces tiny, pale yellow brown, cyphelloid basidiomata at the very base of Filipendula ulmaria in grazed forest meadows. Phylogenetically it falls within the Niaceae clade with sisterrelations to Cyphellopsis/Merismodes. It differs from M. maxima by habitat and by smaller spores and from M. monacha by much smaller spores.