Authors: Olariaga, Ibai & Corriol, Gilles & Salcedo, Isabel & Hansen, Karen
Journal: Karstenia, Volume 56 (2016), Issue 1-2, pages 27-38.
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Key words: Typhuloid fungi, species delimitation, sclerotium
Abstract: The new species, Typhula suecica, is morphologically characterized by having partially sigmoid spores, projecting thick-walled stipe hairs, and by lacking clamp connections. The polygonal rind cells of the sclerotia are also diagnostic. Phylogenetic analyses of 58 new sequences of the LSU and tEF-1 a regions show that specimens of T. suecica form a supported monophyletic group, deeply nested in Typhula. Typhula suecica appears to be a widely distributed but rare species that occurs on leaves of angiosperm trees (Acer, Alnus, Populus) in various types of damp forests. Material from South France, the Spanish slope of the Pyrenees and Central Sweden is reported here.